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We're friends, I had dinner with you Saturday night, we spent some time together Sunday, but no sex, and that's it. You understand?" We understand," Nikki answered, lowering her eyes."We'll do what you want," Kim said quietly.They went through their purses and came up with forty-two dollars. "I don't wanna take all your cash," Paul objected."Don't worry, we can get more in the morning," Nikki answered, "at school." Kissing his cheek. "Now you better leave, we'll see you later, and don't worry, we'll keep everything secret." Bye Paul, we love you," Kim said, she too kissing his cheek. "Now I need to get back to bed, I'm tired and a little sore too." I'll pay you back later," he said walking out the door."We trust you," Nikki said softly as he walked out the door.Uncle Andy was dozing when he got in the car again. "Got another forty dollars," Paul told him, started the engine, and they were off. Uncle Andy turned and went back to sleep, and he continued sleeping as Paul drove through. ‘ ‘Are you afraid of what someone might do to you, or afraid of what you might do? Or is it something else?’ ‘.. Well, I am a little bit afraid of what I might do if it gets to be fun. But I am mostly afraid of someone laughing at me or being disappointed in my body.’ ‘Are you afraid of how your breasts look, your pussy, both, or is it something else?’ … ‘ … I guess it is a combination of my breasts and how I would look overall. … if that makes sense.’ ‘Sure, it makes sense, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Would you like to try to it and see what it feels like without risking too much?’ … ‘ Yes … you can do that?’ ‘WE can do that.’ ‘Helen, I want you to continue to relax and while you are sitting back, imagine that you have unbuttoned your blouse. In your mind, open the front of your blouse and show me how the nude colored mesh looks. I want you to use your fingers to point out your nipples, to tweak them so that they are perky and erect. Then draw your fingers.
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