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“Oh, lick harder you bastard, stick your tongue up me, fuck me with your tongue!” Her breath was coming in ragged gasps as his sharp teeth nibbled gently on her pulsing clit, a pulse that matched the one in her throat, the one deep in the core of her being. The orgasm was close now, made even sweeter by the fact that she had subdued her man, made him the slave to her will, her needs, wants and desires and the knowledge that for him, his mistress would be the only one to allow him relief made her run so wet, she could hear him gulping her juices down.With a final rapid flicking motion of his tongue over her inflamed clit, she ground her cunt down on his face as she came, the deep heat in her belly spreading to all of her limbs as she shook uncontrollably, moaning and gasping as he continued to chew gently at her sodden pussy, until with a self-satisfied murmur she eased herself from his face, the slippery tendrils of her pussy juice extending like a silver strand still linking his. "This," they said in unison as they launched into attack routines they learned at the camp. "About fucking time," Amy muttered as she watched from the booth. Elizabeth launched into a flying backspin kick that connected with her father's stomach. It was designed to knock the wind out of him without causing too much damage too quickly. All three girls were agreed that he deserved to feel as much pain as he could before he died. Elizabeth knew she could not kill him - she was pretty sure that she would be unable to kill anyone - but that would not stop her from making him wish she would kill him. Predictably, John brought his knees up to protect his abdomen. Quickly dropping, Elizabeth lashed out with a kick to his now-exposed genitals. She connected solidly and John howled in pain, tears running down his cheeks. Moving around behind her father, Elizabeth let loose with a flurry of blows to his back, striking his kidneys and upper back. He swung like a.
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